I am intrigued by systems - specifically, translating the logic of mathematical patterns into music. Cellular automata, fractals and tilings, counting patterns, permutations and number combinations, exponential progressions. All are explored in my recent pieces.

Mathematical systems have often been used as musical structural devices at the subterranean level (by composers as different as Iannis Xenakis and John Cage, to take two examples). My approach, though, is different. I want to bring the mathematical patterns to the musical surface. I want the listener to be able to follow the process. Simplicity is a defining feature. Music becomes the expression of mathematical process unfolding in time.

I am a musician, not a mathematician. I use mathematical ideas as a means to generate engaging music. I find that allowing the logic of the process to shape all aspects of the music leads to unexpected and exciting outcomes. The rigour of the mathematical system is liberating. My aim is to arrive at a music that sounds fresh and contemporary even as it draws on timeless number patterns.

Below are links to some posts on ideas in my recent pieces:

  1. Cellular Automata - ANTS is a collection of seven algorithmic melodies based on the cellular automaton Langton’s Ant. True generative music as imagined by Brian Eno.

  2. Tiling Rhythmic Canons - Book of Canons & Zooming In explore the curious auditory illusions found in tiling rhythmic canons

  3. Rhythmicon Studies - Curved tempos and rhythmic spirals derived from 48-part polyrhythmic matrices, inspired by Henry Cowell’s polyrhythmic ideas.

  4. List Pieces (combinatorial) - Glints, Tapping and Fans are examples of a ‘list’ piece.  in which all versions of a 4- or 5-note set are presented through logical permutation techniques.